pediatrics acupuncture

Pediatrics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a specialty that involves the use of techniques specifically tailored for children. In pediatric acupuncture, the approach is gentle, and the tools used are different that for adults.

Here are some key points about Pediatrics in TCM


The goal of pediatrics in TCM is to address various health issues in children, including pain management, respiratory conditions, digestive disorders, anxiety, and more. It aims to restore balance and promote overall well-being


Techniques for children may include employing non-needle techniques such as Shonishin, acupressure, laser acupuncture or ear seeds and utilizes specially designed tools for gentle stimulation


Pediatric TCM is generally considered safe when performed by trained and experienced practitioners. They take into account the child’s age, size, and individual health conditions to customize the treatment.


TCM for children can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including asthma, allergies, colic, ADHD, headaches, insomnia, and musculoskeletal pain.