Best Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the main modalities that I use in my practice. There are many forms, styles and applications of it. I use a very gentle Japanese style that my patients enjoy. It is very gentle and effective. The needles are very thin, fine and flexible. Patients are often very pleasantly surprised!
This is a traditional medical practice originating in China more than 3,000 years ago that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, balance the body’s energy, and promote healing. Over time, various styles
and approaches to acupuncture have emerged. Here are some of the different types of acupuncture:
Description: This is the most well-known and widely practiced form of acupuncture. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine principles, which involve the concept of Qi (energy) flowing through meridians or pathways in the body.
Techniques: TCM acupuncturists use a combination of needling
techniques, such as manual manipulation of the needles,
electroacupuncture (using a small electric current through the needles), and moxibustion (burning of dried mugwort (Artemisa vulgaris) near the skin).
Description: This is characterized by its gentle and refined needling techniques. Practitioners often use thinner needles and may employ shallower insertions.
Techniques: Techniques like Meridian Therapy, which focuses on palpating meridian pathways and using feed
Description: This form of acupuncture focuses on the hands and is based on the idea that the entire body is represented in miniature on the hands. It is often used as a microsystem of it.
Techniques: Needles are inserted into specific points on the hands corresponding to different parts of the body to address various health issues
Description: This form of acupuncture involves stimulating points on the external ear to influence different parts of the body. It is often used as a complementary therapy for various conditions.
Techniques: Tiny needles, seeds, or ear pellets may be applied to
specific points on the ear
Description: Scalp acupuncture is a specialized form that involves needling specific areas of the scalp. It is often used for neurological conditions and disorders. I have used this very successfully in treating immediately after stroke to regain any lost function. If done daily for the first two weeks after stroke much, if not all function can be regained.
Techniques: Needles are inserted into specific scalp zones believed to correspond to different areas of the body